Austin Dog Bite Attorney

Skilled Dog Bite Lawyers Serving Texas

austin dog bite attorneyDog bite injuries and attacks often make headlines because of the serious harm they can cause. Cities across Texas, like Austin and Houston, have leash laws requiring dogs to be leashed when outside. Surprisingly, in dog-friendly places like Austin, many people still allow their dogs to roam freely, despite the potential risk to children and adults. If you or someone you care about has been injured by a dog bite, reach out to Austin Dog Bite Attorney Joe Lopez Law today.

Dog Bites in Texas

Texas follows a “one bite rule” for dog bite incidents, a law that began in 1974 after a dog escaped its pen and attacked a passerby. Even though this dog had previously menaced the victim and his wife, essentially trapping them near their home or car, the court ruled that the victim was not at fault. The decision leaned on the “common law” principle in Torts, which holds pet owners liable for harm caused by their animals. Under Texas law, a dog bite victim can seek compensation if either of these conditions applies:

  • The dog had bitten or acted aggressively before, or
  • The owner knew of the dog’s aggressive behavior.

Dog owners may attempt various defenses, such as “assumption of risk,” but this often fails. According to the Restatement (Second) of Torts, risk assumption isn’t voluntary when no reasonable alternative exists, such as when someone has to flee from a threatening dog. If a dog is aggressive enough to trap someone, the owner should be aware of this risk and take steps to prevent incidents. If you’ve been attacked by someone else’s dog, contact Austin Dog Bite Attorney Joe Lopez.

City of Austin Resources

The City of Austin provides a map on its website showing the locations of documented dangerous and aggressive dogs. For more details on Austin’s safety guidelines, you can visit their website here.

Call Our Austin Dog Bite Attorney Today

If you or someone you care about has been bitten or attacked by a dangerous dog, reach out to the Austin Dog Bite Attorney at Joe Lopez Law. With years of experience helping clients affected by serious dog attacks, Joe Lopez understands the lasting impact these injuries can leave. Dangerous dogs are often allowed to roam freely, leading to severe injuries—especially for children who may not recognize a dog’s temperament. Contact our Austin personal injury lawyer today for a free consultation, and we’ll help you determine if you have a claim against the dog owner.